Market studies

With the help of our market analysis, your customer data can be evaluated and market potential can be determined, so that you can use your marketing and sales measures effectively.

Identify opportunities in your market segment


Knowing the customers is not the only decisive factor for the success of the business, but also the investigation of the relevant markets. Because if you do not know how the industry in which you operate develops and how your own position in the market is represented, you cannot use marketing and sales measures effectively. In order to obtain this information, a professional market analysis is recommended, with the help of which you can determine your market penetration as well as your potential and risks.
When planning your business model, it is important to consider the geographical distribution of the target group, you can optimally plan new locations, taking into account factors such as earning potential, infrastructure and competition. You will find out where your products or services are requested and where the competitive situation is best for you.

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Whatever your situation - we have the right solution

Sectoral studies

Sector studies provide a clear picture of over-market size, understanding industry and important players.

Do you know if your company’s goals match the trends of the market sector in which you operate?

Establish your own development strategies.


We offer:

- Financial data accumulated over the last 3 years

- Evolution of companies by counties and regions

The main performance indicators

- Qualitative indicators

- Evolution estimation and recommendations

Markets & Locations

Competition studies

Knowing your competitors is a major advantage in keeping your company in the market.

Anticipating their business actions helps you grow and evolve in the direction offered by the market segment.


The competition study will show you where you are in the mail with many perspectives:

- Financial results for the last 3 years

- Performance indicators

- Evolution of risk indicators

- Shareholder structure

- Negative signals

- Evolution estimation and indicators

Creditreform offers a wide range of studies

Creditreform offers a wide range of studies

  1. Study - Top 10.000 companies in Romania
  2. Portfolio study
  3. Sector study - IT
  4. Study of transport companies


Thanks to our own database and with the advantage of having dedicated financial analysts, we can provide you with customized solutions and detailed analyzes so that you know now to be able to predict tomorrow’s business.

Thus, you can set the criteria for the study you want to achieve.

  • NACE code or subcategory
  • Selection criteria based on financial data
  • Financial indicators of interest

Creditreform will add value through vision and experience.